ManBet手机客户端是魁北克为数不多的提供12年级教育的学校之一. 我们的课程是基于安大略省12年级大学预科课程以及生物大学先修课程, 微积分, 化学, Comparative Politics, 经济学, 英语 Literature 和 Composition, 法语, 人文地理, Physics 和 Studio Art. All courses meet college entrance requirements. 边境上大学 is an ACT 和 SAT test centre for selected test dates. Approximately 95 percent of our 12年级 graduates attend university.
12年级的毕业生在学业上和精神上都为高中毕业后的生活做好了准备. 体育运动, 俱乐部, a vibrant student life, interaction with students from around the world, 一个学习和支持的社区——这就是ManBet手机客户端的经历.
- Explore your options prior to university.
- Prepare yourself academically.
- Benefit from comprehensive university guidance.
- Gain direct access to top universities in Canada 和 美国.
- Develop leadership skills.
- Participate in elite, rigorous athletic programs.
- Make lifelong friends.
- Discover who you can be.